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Sunday, April 29, 2007

What is a ministry?

I'm in a mood of shooting people today, but this is nothing personal. Ahaha.

Bumped into Qiu ping in the mrt today while on the way going to shopping in orchard; she strike me with this... "Strikeforce isn't really a ministry."

I agree with with her for a while.. but after a few seconds of thoughts and a little sharing with Shavonne, I totally disagree. Not that I'm double-minded, but I'm looking things at a different way.

What is a ministry? For me.. Serving people, even the unchurched though our gifts & talents. We're commanded to multiply our talents. (Matt 25:14-30)

But that's only the basics. For me, it's also to understand, honour, glorify, strengthen and obey your leader's visions!

God demands full obedience, so if God place a leader in our mist, shouldn't we obey his visions also?!

Our leader may not be right all the time, but we obey and acknowledge his position God placed in to watch and guide over us.

I'm getting annoyed that CGLs mentioning to me that Strikeforce isn't a ministry(sorry Jia Ying...), but we're fulfilling the culture mandate.

We're like Simon Peter walking on water. We may stumble a little bit, but God will guide us and lead us to victory. We're doing something different; but we're not disobeying God.

I'm getting frustrated about people saying about what ministry can do for them. Hello? You're supposed to serve, not to be served. If Jesus came to earth to be the greatest servant among all, then what on earth are you complaining? Would you rather serve in hell? I think I don't wanna. =P

Understand, obey, strengthen, glorify and protect your leader's visions. That is my definition for ministry.


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