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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Only my faith remains..

Can you imagine the thoughts Simon Peter when he denied Christ 3 times?

According to Matt 26: 69-75;

1st denial, "I do not know what you are saying.",

2nd denial,"I do not know this Man!"

3rd denial, with curse and swearing, "I do not know this Man!"

But wait, didn't Peter said that he will never made to stumble?(Matt 26:33) He was so sure of himself that he wouldn't fall. He's over confident that he'll stood by the Lord.

He even mentions that in Luke 22:33 that he would rather die than deny Christ.

Isn't he like us? We told our leaders, "we'll behind you all the way." Then we went MIA when trouble hit us..

Experience can be a good teachers to us, but don't let us stumble because of that. I rather myself be humbled before the Lord than waver when the body of Christ needs me.

Among the 12 apostles, Simon is the only person who went close enough to see Jesus' trial.

Among the 12 apostles, Simon is the only person who dare to walk on water.

Among the 12 apostles, Simon is always trying to answer the questions.

Among the 12 apostles, he's always the most spiritual.

He's always the most hungry for the spiritual stuff among the 12 apostles.

But yet Simon Peter is the one whom always speaks the wrong things(Matt 16:22-23), been rebuked the most by Jesus Himself. Yet each time we see Simon Peter humbled before the Lord.

Though he may not understand fully what He had taught him, but after Jesus has risen from the dead and asked Simon Peter 3 times, "Do you love Me? Do you love Me even if you died the same way I died?"

His ego is gone, his pride is gone. His whole world is shaken. His confidence in himself destroyed. Everything he thought he once had were totally shaken by that 3 denials he thought he won't made, even to his death. Only his faith remains..

Guys... How much we can relate to this ordinary man? Whom he became the first pope/bishop according to the Catholic Church. Whom preached the first sermon. Whom witness his wife's crucifixion, and his faith was so strong he told her, "Remember the Lord!" before she died?

If God can use such a normal and imperfect person like him so greatly.. How much more can He use us? It's not only up to us to do the job God called us to do. The Holy Spirit will aid us!

I urge you to remember this, "Even if the entire world came down crushing on me, even if I lose everything, my faith remains."

"Nothing else is up to my name, only my faith remains.."

"Shavonne, I know what to do, if you're reading this, I'm doing fine, enjoy your trip..I'll be fine.. Sorry for making you worry over nothing.."

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